Considering the fact that I’m still seeing Facebook stupidity without even having a Facebook account anymore, all of those ass-clowns who said “you’ll be back” are still wrong and will continue to be wrong. Unlike the libtard Twitter twats, I didn’t announce my departure from Facebook to be an attention…
1 Year Later, And I’m Still Not a Better Person
Anybody who was waiting on me to become a better person in 2022 will just have to wait until the end of 2023 and hope for the best. I fully intended to have all of the dead weight whittled off my give a fuck list in the first couple months…
My WuFlu Experience? Not Impressed…
As I continuously suggested ever since all of this Covid bullshit began in 2020, we’re being played and the seasonal flu is still going to be a far worse illness. Took me more than 2 years to finally catch it and I was less than impressed. I slept it off…
How Dare I Not Follow Your News?
Wrap your head around this…Due to the fact that I don’t use Facebook, friends and relatives of mine knew that my mom died 5 days before I did. Eventually, somebody came to this website to send me a message to ask me what (if any) funeral plans there were. The…
TikTok Says: You My Puppy Now
Whenever I need a good laugh, I know that I can easily find one in a person who thinks “Facebook bad, TikTok good”. Let’s see, Facebook is the big evil overlord that pilfers your personal information and shares it without your permission, but a Chinese company that does even worse…
I’ve Raised My Standards, So Up Yours!
Without fail, I will encounter some douchebag every week that thinks their laughable standards are something that I must aspire to. Whether it’s somebody local to me who thinks their mediocre life is something spectacular or some moron posting comments on one of my videos on one of my YouTube…
How Do You Like Me Now?
My new year’s resolution this year was to start whittling down my give a fuck list, and so far I’ve knocked 5 people off that list that I’ve taken just entirely too much shit from in my life. I tried to be helpful when I could and all it resulted…
Join My MeWe Group Already, Cronies!
It never fails, narcissists get online and instantly think they need to have a group or forum somewhere to spread their message and beg for (if not, demand) praise. It’s generally pretty easy to bait people into following you in these groups or forums, all you need to do is…
I Have a Title and I Know How To Use It
Few things amuse me as much as somebody who has what they think is an important sounding job title and convinces themselves that they’re just all kinds of important everywhere in the world. I don’t care what it is, group admin, team lead, department manager, shift foreman, director of restroom…
Little-League Pissing Contests
If there’s one thing that Facebook actually good at doing, it’s turning people into little-league pissing contestants. “Look at what I’m eating, look at what I’m drinking, look at what music I’m listening to, look at what YouTube video I’m watching!” I always thought it was a joke that people…
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