When this Juneteenth bullshit became an official federal holiday in 2021, I told my employer at the time (Eric Miller of Mazaroth IT Solutions) that I thought it was the most retarded name for a holiday and don’t even know what this made up word is supposed to mean. In…
Top 10 Douchebaggery Exhibits Of 2023
I generally avoid in-person interactions as much as possible because I haven’t had a cold since I started working from home in 2015, and I’m in no hurry catch somebody else’s virus again. With that being the case, I mostly communicate with people via email or text message where many…
Still No Facebook 2 Years Later
Considering the fact that I’m still seeing Facebook stupidity without even having a Facebook account anymore, all of those ass-clowns who said “you’ll be back” are still wrong and will continue to be wrong. Unlike the libtard Twitter twats, I didn’t announce my departure from Facebook to be an attention…
I’ve Raised My Standards, So Up Yours!
Without fail, I will encounter some douchebag every week that thinks their laughable standards are something that I must aspire to. Whether it’s somebody local to me who thinks their mediocre life is something spectacular or some moron posting comments on one of my videos on one of my YouTube…
I Have a Title and I Know How To Use It
Few things amuse me as much as somebody who has what they think is an important sounding job title and convinces themselves that they’re just all kinds of important everywhere in the world. I don’t care what it is, group admin, team lead, department manager, shift foreman, director of restroom…
Little-League Pissing Contests
If there’s one thing that Facebook actually good at doing, it’s turning people into little-league pissing contestants. “Look at what I’m eating, look at what I’m drinking, look at what music I’m listening to, look at what YouTube video I’m watching!” I always thought it was a joke that people…
The World Needs Computer Driver’s Licenses
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard somebody say “I’m not an IT person” as if it’s a valid excuse for them driving their computer off a cliff or not being smart enough to reset their own password somewhere. You know, that makes as much sense as telling…
I Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning
Or, maybe I actually just love the smell of melting snowflakes on YouTube in the morning. Starting in May of 2020, I took a 1+ year break from YouTube because the snowflakes and sheeple were coming out of the woodwork like a roach infestation. The virtue signaling and the victim…
6 Months – Still No Facebook
More than 6 months without Facebook and I still don’t miss it, but apparently there are some people who think I should still be there because they have no other way to contact me now. I’ve actually had a few people accuse me of thinking I’m better than them because…
3 Months Without Facebook
3 months without Facebook and I still don’t even slightly miss it! Which is why I don’t understand why people stay there and continue to bitch about the way that it’s operated. Yes, nag, bitch, and complain about them censoring and fact checking your posts, and bitch about being put…
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