Some people just need you to type things out in braille and jam it up their ass before they’ll actually understand and remember what you tell them. I swear there are some people who only listen to you long enough to tell when you’ve stopped talking and can’t be bothered…
Don’t You Dare Hold Any Unacceptable Views!
I’m sorry Larry, it appears that you’ve had a bit too much to think…This month’s rant is brought to you by the thought police who spend entirely too much time worrying about everybody else’s personal opinions and beliefs! If you don’t like a person’s opinions and beliefs, why would you…
Windows, Icons, Mouse Pointers – WIMPs!
I know that I’ve mentioned this before in another post here before, but I used to work for this computer repair joint in Scottsbluff, NE named Connecting Point (I’ll be honest, it was more like a pawn shop that did computer repair on the side). They had this “manager” who…
Some People Just Want To Be Offended
I think back to when I left my optician job in August of 2011 and how the manager of the joint got “offended” because I said that I no longer have the stomach for babysitting welfare cases and people that are actually too stupid to pass a vision test. She…
The World Needs Computer Driver’s Licenses
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard somebody say “I’m not an IT person” as if it’s a valid excuse for them driving their computer off a cliff or not being smart enough to reset their own password somewhere. You know, that makes as much sense as telling…
One Year, and Still No Facebook
Here we are in the first couple weeks of January 2022, and people are still trying to tell me “oh, you’ll be back”. Sounds to me more like they’re trying to convince themselves rather than trying to convince me. Sorry, that shit ain’t happening, there is nothing good about Fakebook…
I Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning
Or, maybe I actually just love the smell of melting snowflakes on YouTube in the morning. Starting in May of 2020, I took a 1+ year break from YouTube because the snowflakes and sheeple were coming out of the woodwork like a roach infestation. The virtue signaling and the victim…
6 Months – Still No Facebook
More than 6 months without Facebook and I still don’t miss it, but apparently there are some people who think I should still be there because they have no other way to contact me now. I’ve actually had a few people accuse me of thinking I’m better than them because…
3 Months Without Facebook
3 months without Facebook and I still don’t even slightly miss it! Which is why I don’t understand why people stay there and continue to bitch about the way that it’s operated. Yes, nag, bitch, and complain about them censoring and fact checking your posts, and bitch about being put…
MAGA-FTW Nailed You!
How much do I miss Facebook? Let me count the ways… <crickets> I won’t say that I hate to say I told you so, because I actually don’t hate saying that. MAGA-FTW (Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Walmart) are the largest spying operations and personal information leakers in the…
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