Few things amuse me more than telling somebody who thinks they’re a force to be reckoned with, that even their best tool in their arsenal can’t possibly have any meaningful impact on me. Yeah, I realize that your daddy is the same age as I am and used to be…
Sorry, Your Hobbies Aren’t My Hobbies
It never fails, I do an electronic repair on some piece of musical equipment for somebody, and they instantly think that I’m interested in playing in their band. “You playing in a band these days?” No, nor am I working at any other minimum wage job. Local bar bands around…
Fact Check On Register Three!
Fact check time…Two plus two equals four. There are only two genders, or there wouldn’t be a B in LGBTQ. A man wearing a dress and makeup isn’t a woman. There’s no difference between a programmer and somebody who does scripting. Certifications only prove that you passed a test. People…
That’s News To Me! Now On YouTube
Last year I decided that my first YouTube channel was going to change gears and all future greenhouse & aquaponics stuff would be published on my second channel. The reason being, the first channel had become majorly over-run by libtards, snowflakes, trolls, and general keyboard warriors. Therefore, my first channel…
1 Year Later, And I’m Still Not a Better Person
Anybody who was waiting on me to become a better person in 2022 will just have to wait until the end of 2023 and hope for the best. I fully intended to have all of the dead weight whittled off my give a fuck list in the first couple months…
Join My MeWe Group Already, Cronies!
It never fails, narcissists get online and instantly think they need to have a group or forum somewhere to spread their message and beg for (if not, demand) praise. It’s generally pretty easy to bait people into following you in these groups or forums, all you need to do is…
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