Wouldn’t it suck if you put a shit ton of effort into trying to convince an employee who’s smarter than you, that he’s actually an idiot because he doesn’t have your certifications, and he gets hired by one of your main service providers because experience speaks louder than certifications? Wouldn’t it suck even more if they can now view your support tickets over the past 7 months and see that you’re even more inept now than you were a year ago? That’s gotta suck!
Putting CISSP and CSSP in your email signature doesn’t mean dick to the average computer user and even most people who actually do work in IT don’t know what they even mean. Those letters also don’t mean that you suddenly know every possible way that somebody can PWN your ass. However, it is rather amusing when one of those tools attempts to explain such PWNage and come up with shit that’s only possible in Sci-Fi movies. Call the Wachowskis!
It also cracks me up when a guy tries to sell himself and his wife as WordPress website experts and they don’t even have the slightest understanding of how WordPress exploits work, or even know the PHP programming language that WordPress is written in. I thought that CISSP and CSSP in your email signature makes you a cyber security expert? They don’t even teach you how base64 encoding works and what the eval function in programming languages is for?
Most of all, it is absolutely laughable that an owner of an IT support business would put the Linux mascot “Tux” on their website, claiming that they support Linux, but don’t even have the slightest idea how the authentication and login system works. I’ve been getting failed login alerts up until 05/24/2024 for one system that I set up, and I know that they still haven’t gotten into it or a specific Wiki server would be back online. Nice Linux support you provide there! LoLz!!!
Call me crazy, but I would think that if a person is hell-bent on trying to convince me that I’m an idiot, they should at least know everything that I know. Just knowing how to pass a certification exam doesn’t make you anything special, people do that every day and it doesn’t take any special skill. Every support ticket this clown and his employees have opened in the past 7 months would have never been opened if they would have simply listened to me. Laughable!
I’m still laughing at their poorly adopted belief that AI and no-code platforms could do anything that I was doing. So far, it appears that still isn’t working out for them. Earlier this year, I did contract work as a QA coder for an AI large language model developer and I got to see just how bad AI is at generating code. Sorry, you still need to know how to code in order to use AI generated code. So glad that I only have to watch their problems now instead of fixing them!
For a group who always had all the answers, it sure is funny how they now only have amateur questions…
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