Few things amuse me more than telling somebody who thinks they’re a force to be reckoned with, that even their best tool in their arsenal can’t possibly have any meaningful impact on me. Yeah, I realize that your daddy is the same age as I am and used to be a cop, so you had a painful childhood growing up with a strict set of rules. But, if you think that you’re going to get back at your shitty childhood by trying to impress me with your “power”, you’re deluding yourself!
Let’s clarify something for those who think that they’re powerful. In order for you to actually wield any power, you first have to control something that somebody actually wants. For example, a prison guard doesn’t have any power over me because I’m not incarcerated and begging for freedom. That old worn out “I have a job title and know how to use it” bit doesn’t work with me. It might have way back before I had assets, stocks, property, and freelancer income options.
I didn’t get to where I am today by simply being a diversity hire. Any time that I encounter a black woman in a management position and she says “aks” instead of “ask”, then I know that she’s a diversity hire. When the email signature says “acting general manager” and she talks like that, then the first thing I say she needs is acting lessons. Spare me the whole “powerful woman of color” bullshit if you can’t even speak proper English. Seriously, it’s only a 3-letter word, idiot!
Have you ever heard that stupid cunt Tiffany Henyard speak? The first time I saw pictures of her, I thought she was a damn nice looking black woman. Then when I heard her voice, holy fuck did that opinion ever change with a quickness! At the moment you start using ghetto lingo and only referring to others as y’all without the southern accent, I’m 100% unable to take you seriously as somebody who is qualified to be in a position of power. Sorry, all I see is just an uneducated thug.
I waste no time telling people like this that I don’t actually live off their job. I live off a bank account that can easily sustain me until retirement age, and their job is just a cost recovery tool that pays me back for whatever I take out of the bank to pay utilities and leaves the rest behind in the account. Being debt-free has a lot of perks and I got that way by living really slim for 5 years on a really good paying job. Then I saved and invested like a motherfucker after that.
Oh darn, did I rain on your parade? The best tool in your arsenal doesn’t work now because firing me wouldn’t have any effect on me? Goodness, what’s a girl to do? My suggestion(s) would be to put some time into learning to speak proper English, quit pumping out kids, get your ass out of debt, and stop being an insufferable bitch. Unlike any one company’s job, my skills are worth a lot of money to a lot of people at the same time. Who here has the upper hand?
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