I can’t believe how some people can be so smart about some things, but be so damn gullible about other things that they could easily debunk in their own head with about 1 minute of critical thinking. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug! You could type out some set of facts in braille and jam it up their ass, and they’ll still believe the contrary, based on nothing more than myths and wives’ tales that they’ve been spoon fed since they were a child. You can’t fix stupid!
However, there are some people who will defend any new belief to the bitter end no matter how preposterous a story is. They really aren’t especially smart about much of anything. All you have to do is tell these simpletons something that’s technically worded using terms that they can’t even define and they will instantly embrace any bullshit story that you want to feed them. Just make yourself seem smarter and you can convince the lemmings to walk right off a cliff.
People are once again believing virus and pandemic bullshit, even though they’ve debunked all of that Covid-19 vaxing, masking, and social distancing bullshit over the past 5 years. These same sheep are back on their Trump is a fascist bullshit again, and not realizing that no fascist in history ever reduced the size of government. It’s nothing more than a slur these days, they don’t even know what the word actually means. Much like that racist slur, slobbering idiots.
I also know a lot of home distillers who are more than well aware that all of the “dangerous levels of poisonous methanol” in distillation is nothing more than prohibition era propaganda and old wives’ tales. But believe that wiring up anything in their electric still is “dangerous” and call themselves electrically challenged because of old wives’ tales that they were fed as a child. Circuit breakers really are your friend, a couple itty-bitty sparks honestly can’t kill you.
People really do seem to have selective gullibility. I can’t understand how a person can have basic common sense, yet intentionally believe glaring painfully obvious bullshit. I also can’t understand how somebody can be an expert in an extremely complicated field, yet still be bamboozled by cheap parlor tricks, word games, and double-speak. If one of them became an orphan before mom and dad spilled the beans about Santa Clause, they’re completely screwed now.
I try to help people when and where I can if I see that they’re allowing an irrational fear prevent them from being self-sufficient. But if they insist on hiding behind their cognitive dissonance and hanging on to that irrational fear, fuck ’em and feed ’em fish heads. Don’t be an ask-hole, don’t waste my time asking how to solve a problem that you’re having and continue to be too lazy or pretend to be too afraid to help yourself. You’re responsible for your own happiness!
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