Celebrate Straight White Pride Month!

Well, if all the LGBTQ-RSTUV-BFD alphabet people get to have their own pride month, and “day of visibility”, and who knows how many other days out of the year, then I say the rest of us get our own month as well. Black people also get their own month and federal holiday in the middle of the alphabet people month, so I think Straight White Pride Month is 100% fitting and well deserved! I don’t give two rat’s asses who thinks that’s racist or homophobic, promptly GFY!

Look up the definition of the word phobia, it means “a persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear”. Take my word for it, I am by no means afraid of rainbow colored alphabet people parading around in bondage attire with glow-in-the-dark buttplugs up their asses. The only people who should be afraid of them are children, since they seem to have a knack for grooming and molesting kids and shooting up schools. As they now say, try that in a small town. Seriously, try it.

It warms my heart to no end to see these gay degenerate parades destroyed by lefties losing it. Last year, it was the climate crazies doing it, this year it’s the pro Palestine crazies doing it. The best part is, you can’t tell which side any of these crazies are on, they all look the same! Lefties can’t even come together with their causes and get along, seeing them eat their own is just freakin poetic! These lunatics are literally their own worst enemy and it’s a beautiful thing!

When I worked for that laughable Mazaroth IT Solutions, I had to go through a retarded California DEI training and the majority of it was just a brainwashing campaign to normalize trans and gay people. Yep, even though I didn’t live there, I still had to subject myself to their attempted brainwashing because most of the clients lived there. I can understand why so many people are leaving that shit hole state, because they manufacture new laws to normalize mental illness.

I don’t care what new laws any state manufactures, turning the USA into a gay version of the USSR isn’t going to do anything but cement our demise! Old State Saloon in Eagle, Idaho declared June to be Heterosexual Awesomeness Month. They should be applauded and be the model that our military and all other American businesses follow. There’s absolutely no advantage to proving to the world that the USA is nothing but a bunch of weak ass frail fucking faggots!

Take your [D]ivision [E]xclusion and [I]nequality dildo and jam it up your own ass! I don’t have to be accepting of the mentally ill whose identity is solely what kind of sex they prefer to have. I also don’t have to tolerate people of any race (including white people) babbling about racism while they openly discriminate against white people. If it wasn’t for us straight people, faggots wouldn’t exist in the first place, and if this country is too white – feel free to move elsewhere!

If this blog post offends you, please use the contact form to report it and I promise that I will find somebody who gives a fuck as soon as I’m done laughing. I love the smell of tears of soy in the morning!