1776 in 2024 Candle Has Been Lit!

Well, here’s your proof that the libtards will do ANYTHING to remain in power and destroy this country! All I can say is that I hope the libtards are now willing to live with the standard that they’ve set, because I sure as hell am. I say that this is an open invitation to start stacking these libtards like cordwood. When they start running off at the mouth again with their hateful verbal masturbation, that’s an open invitation to give them a bad case of lead poisoning. I’m OK with that.

I believe it was Karl Marx who said accuse others of that which you do, in order to create confusion. Libtards have learned well from their hero and have exercised this form of projection repeatedly well before Trump was first elected. It just amazes me that libtards honestly believe that their bullshit is convincing and that nobody else can possibly tell what they’re actually doing. All the way down to accusing Trump of pulling a Jussie Smollett hoax on July 13, 2024.

All of these “tolerant left” retards totally lost all credibility last month. I challenge anybody to point out any instances of Trump supporters doing what they have done. Don’t try to use that J6 incident because everybody on both sides knows that was a set up and inside job, too many cards have already fallen. When have Trump supporters burned down cities, killed others for supporting Biden or saying “All Lives Matter”. I’ll wait, but hurry your ass up with your examples, tick tock.

Buckle up, buttercup, the gloves come off now. Don’t be a wee bit surprised to start finding Antifa and mouthy libtard bodies randomly piling up and composting in the near future. I can guarantee you that we will no longer be just walking away the next time one of these fucks starts running their mouth at us, somebody will be losing teeth and bodily blood volume from here on out. My give a fuck is now totally broken, libtards have set a new standard that I’m very willing to live with.

People I grew up with and always took to be relatively intelligent, have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the left wing terrorists that are controlling the government and think that it’s actually Biden running the show. I would not even piss on these idiots now if they were on fire. However, I’d be more than happy to provide them a lot of oxygen. Ya know, Hitler had retards killed in Austria during his occupation. That really wouldn’t be a half bad cure for these libtards today.

I don’t care whose feelings this hurts, Antifa clowns and libtards no longer have the right to breathe the same air as the rest of the USA population. I will now happily and proudly advocate for the extermination of these terrorists and thugs. If you’re too stupid to think critically and simply believe anything that MSM news tells you, then sensible society has no more use for you. In which case, promptly do yourself and everybody else a favor, please delete yourself already.

Calm down already, I won’t cause anybody to lose their teeth or blood. They’ll easily find everything on the ground.

If this blog post offends you, please use the contact form to report it and I promise that I will find somebody who gives a fuck as soon as I’m done laughing. I love the smell of tears of soy in the morning!